One of the most satisfying moments for me these days is when I find things that Charlotte really enjoys and connects with. Nowadays, it's a little easier to engage her, but a couple months ago it could be tricky to really get a rise out of this little person who only seemed to care about food and sleep.
So one day when Charlotte was about 3 months old, Hubby (the creative thinker that he is) had the idea to take her to the pet store after church. We didn't know if Charlotte would really give a rip, but figured it could be fun to try it out. Justin and I are both animal-lovers, so we figured we'd trick her into becoming one, too.
When we went in, we headed straight for the hamsters and gerbils. Charlotte was sucked in right away. She leaned in towards the glass and just stared. It was so neat to see the little gears in her head turning as she saw the little guys running in their wheels scampering all around. Next stop was the parakeets. These were a HUGE hit. They were noisy, colorful, and a bit on the hyper-active side (aka: awesome). Our last stop was the fish. They may not be quite as fuzzy or vocal, but lemme tell ya... they still grab the attention of a curious infant.
So our trip was a success. And we learned there's nothin' like a free trip to the "local zoo."
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