Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's here! It's really, really here!

Charlotte's shopping cart cover is here! After a rough couple of weeks, Nani was able to finally conquer all obstacles and complete this totally adorable project. When Nani dropped off the seat cover this morning, I had this overwhelming sense that there just must be something that we needed at the grocery store. Well... I guess Charlotte and I will just have to muster up the strength for a quick trip. Hey, while we're at it, we'll take her seat cover for a whirl. How convenient  ;)

It's pretty funny that something like this can make my day, but then again, how could cute monkeys and colorful swirls on fabric not make my day? The fact that I didn't have to lug around Charlotte's car seat and watch her strain her neck, trying to look around at the produce was enough to put a little spring in my step. Charlotte loved being able to look all around at the brightly colored packaging, the signs that we passed by (and that she almost knocked over), and even to play with the credit card reader in the checkout lane. So not only did I get the kidney beans for our chili dinner tonight, but Charlotte got to see the world from a whole new perspective -- okay, maybe not the world, but at least a little part of it.

It's the little things...

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