Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Tale of the Sippy

Some of you may remember when you went to try on wedding dresses and you had someone fawning over you the entire time. They ask what you're looking for, what you like, what you don't like. They point things out to you, they help you try dresses on, they help you omit the losers and single out the best of the best. Well... I think the same kind of treatment should be given when a first-time mom goes out to look for sippy cups. I think we all need a personal Sippy Cup Consultant. Charlotte and I have been through quite a few sippy cups. Some of them have been major duds. Others have made my life so much easier. Yes - a sippy cup can do that for you.

I'm pretty sure that everyone's expectations of sippy cups are a little different, but I want to tell you about some of my faves, in the off chance that it will make your life simpler... and because there is no such thing as a real-live sippy cup consultant... yet.
Then the ones that I'm not too thrilled with:
So go out there and buy some sippy cups! Oh... and be sure to report back to me on some of the neat ones that we are missing out on!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Reads Part II

Now let's talk about books that save your sanity AFTER baby is born! Here are some of my favorites from this past year:

1. What to Expect the First Year: Another "must have" in my mind. This book takes you month-by-month through your baby's developmental stages. There is so much information for each month like what to expect at certain doctor's appointments, what kind of things your baby might be doing right about now, and answers to some of your timely questions. There's also a ton of information on general subjects like feeding solids, first aid, and details about sicknesses and symptoms. I turned to this book about 12 zillion times, especially in the first 7 or 8 months. Love it.

2. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child: Oh my word. This one was (and still is) a total life saver. When Charlotte was around 3 or 4 months old, I started realizing that she needed some kind of napping schedule to start forming. I was struggling with the "how" the "when" the "oh-my-gosh-this-will-never-ever-happen." When my sister-in-law recommended this book, I ordered it 2.5 seconds later on Amazon, received it, and read it immediately. I can't tell you how much it helped me and educated me. Before I read the book I was pretty lost and nervous about naps and "making" Charlotte take them. After reading this book, I felt much more confident and prepared. Not that things always go so smoothly for nap times and bed times, but at least you know some techniques, the research, and that you're not alone!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yet another use

So here's the thing... I love blogging, but you would never know it based on the fact that I post how often? Uh, like once a month? My problem is that I think of things that I really want to post. Then I wait and wait and wait until I have the "right time" to sit and write things like I want to. Any of you who have or have had little ones probably know that this is a crazy thought. When is it ever the "right time?" Exactly. So here's my new approach - just do it. I know I've heard that somewhere before... hmmm.

Today I'm thinking about how my love for cloth diapers runs so deep. They were right by my side for the many months that my lovely little girl dribbled and spewed out milk every other minute, they were there when my "milk factory" was overflowing and I needed a buffer from the storm. And now, even after Charlotte is beyond all that beautiful imagery, I'm still using these little gems every day. They have now become a staple during feeding time. Before I slide Charlotte's high chair tray on, I spread a cloth diaper over her lap so it covers the top of her legs, the smoosh-zone between her belly and the tray, and even the sides of her legs where peas are sure to get stashed. The result? Easier cleanup and not nearly as many banana-smear-stained pants. Hooray all around!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tissues and Plastic Spoons

It's inevitable. No toy is ever as intriguing as the non-toy toy. Your baby can be surrounded by the coolest, the most colorful, the most baby-friendly toys and yet, without fail, they lock onto something that was never quite meant for them. For Charlotte it was a slightly used tissue and plastic spoons yesterday. Nothing could make her nearly as happy or keep her as chill as that tissue could. She sat with her back facing me, for about 15 minutes, just tearing, shaking, and inspecting it. It was more fun than her light-up green dinosaur toy with music and balls to slide down chutes. It was more magical than her one-walled house that sings and teaches her how to count to 10. It was more captivating than her yellow school bus with flashing lights and the sounds of laughing children. Yes. It was more fun than all these things. But as wonderful as the tissue was, it was so quickly disregarded as soon as four plastic spoons were discovered on the coffee table.

Maybe next time the dinosaur, the house, and the school bus will have more luck. But not today. Today some plastic packaging was found and no other toy stood a chance.

What kind of fun choking hazards are your kids playing with these days?  :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good Reads

When I first got pregnant, I felt pretty clueless. You know how you look forward to getting pregnant for so long? Then when you do, you realize, oh  my goodness! Now what? In those brief moments of panic that lasted for 9 months, I found some solace in a few great books.

1. What to Expect When You're Expecting : For everything from morning sickness, to timelines, to baby development, to absurd cravings, this book is a must-have, go-to book for the pregnant mama. I'm pretty sure I went out to Walmart and bought this book as soon as I had taken my second (or was it third) positive pregnancy test - in two days. 

2. So That's What They're For! : I got this from my breastfeeding preparation class at the hospital. If you are preggers and plan to breastfeed, or even if you're just not sure and want to really know the ins and outs, read this! I suggest reading it before you start breastfeeding, if possible. It will really prepare you for what is inevitably going to come your way. The author has a great way of writing in a clear, fun, and helpful manner.  Charlotte is now 10 months old and I still refer to this book for some helpful tips (weaning, solids, schedules).

3. The Happiest Baby on the Block : I actually didn't ever finish reading this book, but the parts that I did read were very enlightening to me. This book had some great info about broad topics as well as interesting research and methods for specific things like how to sooth your infant. I felt a little more prepared and educated after reading through many sections of this book. One day, maybe I'll even finish it!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Charlotte's Got Great Taste

Let me preface this by saying, I'm sorry. I'm well aware that I'm pretty pathetic for even noticing these things...

While indulging in my guilty pleasure the other night (watching Desperate Housewives - thank you DVR), I saw two things that made me all giddy inside. One of the housewives, Lynette has a little baby girl, Paige who just happens to have the same taste as my little Charlotte! I first noticed that the jammies Paige wore in one scene are the same cute little things that Charlotte wore earlier this week. Ahhhh! Then her pack n' play in another scene was the same one that Charlotte has and that I even blogged about. Score! So basically, Charlotte is FAMOUS!  *giggle, giggle*

But I must say, it was kind of fun to see Charlotte's things on the "big screen!" I'm so used to seeing high-end designer baby items on TV shows that would make me a bit queasy if I ever saw the price tag. It was kind of refreshing (and fun!) to see "real people" stuff on my silly show.
Have you ever seen your kid's items in "famous" places?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's here! It's really, really here!

Charlotte's shopping cart cover is here! After a rough couple of weeks, Nani was able to finally conquer all obstacles and complete this totally adorable project. When Nani dropped off the seat cover this morning, I had this overwhelming sense that there just must be something that we needed at the grocery store. Well... I guess Charlotte and I will just have to muster up the strength for a quick trip. Hey, while we're at it, we'll take her seat cover for a whirl. How convenient  ;)

It's pretty funny that something like this can make my day, but then again, how could cute monkeys and colorful swirls on fabric not make my day? The fact that I didn't have to lug around Charlotte's car seat and watch her strain her neck, trying to look around at the produce was enough to put a little spring in my step. Charlotte loved being able to look all around at the brightly colored packaging, the signs that we passed by (and that she almost knocked over), and even to play with the credit card reader in the checkout lane. So not only did I get the kidney beans for our chili dinner tonight, but Charlotte got to see the world from a whole new perspective -- okay, maybe not the world, but at least a little part of it.

It's the little things...