While indulging in my guilty pleasure the other night (watching Desperate Housewives - thank you DVR), I saw two things that made me all giddy inside. One of the housewives, Lynette has a little baby girl, Paige who just happens to have the same taste as my little Charlotte! I first noticed that the jammies Paige wore in one scene are the same cute little things that Charlotte wore earlier this week. Ahhhh! Then her pack n' play in another scene was the same one that Charlotte has and that I even blogged about. Score! So basically, Charlotte is FAMOUS! *giggle, giggle*
But I must say, it was kind of fun to see Charlotte's things on the "big screen!" I'm so used to seeing high-end designer baby items on TV shows that would make me a bit queasy if I ever saw the price tag. It was kind of refreshing (and fun!) to see "real people" stuff on my silly show.
Have you ever seen your kid's items in "famous" places?