Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel down? Where you wish that someone looked at you like you were the greatest thing on the planet? I have discovered the cure - a 3 month old baby!
I was just talking with my friend the other day about how it's been almost a whole YEAR since I had a cup of "real" coffee. A year! When I found out I was pregnant, I decided to just cut out caffeine as much as possible. Waking up each morning with no hot cup o' joe can be quite damaging to a person. But I have found something even better (and almost as creamy). Every morning lately, I go to peek into Charlotte's crib and when we make eye contact, it's like a bolt of love/excitement/anticipation lightning strikes her. All the sudden, her legs shoot straight out, her arms start pumping, and her smile... oh man, that cute little gummy smile! Then she lets out the most excited baby shrieks, saying "good morning" to the world.
So what's a morning without coffee when you can start your day with that kind of lovin'?