Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Morning Boost

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel down? Where you wish that someone looked at you like you were the greatest thing on the planet? I have discovered the cure - a 3 month old baby!

I was just talking with my friend the other day about how it's been almost a whole YEAR since I had a cup of "real" coffee. A year! When I found out I was pregnant, I decided to just cut out caffeine as much as possible. Waking up each morning with no hot cup o' joe can be quite damaging to a person. But I have found something even better (and almost as creamy). Every morning lately, I go to peek into Charlotte's crib and when we make eye contact, it's like a bolt of love/excitement/anticipation lightning strikes her. All the sudden, her legs shoot straight out, her arms start pumping, and her smile... oh man, that cute little gummy smile! Then she lets out the most excited baby shrieks, saying "good morning" to the world.

So what's a morning without coffee when you can start your day with that kind of lovin'?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So I've realized that the house becomes so much creakier and noisier when you have a sleeping baby inside your four walls. Funny how that happens. Sometimes it feels like the world is out to get you and your baby's nap time, doesn't it?

When Charlotte first came along, I thought that we had the soundest sleeping baby on earth. She could sleep through my husband's power tools in the basement, the vacuum cleaner cruising right past her pack n' play, and even the noisy beagle howling at a leaf blowing across the street. But as all new moms realize, that peaceful sleeping stage inevitably comes to an end. Now Charlotte is very curious about noises around her and very in tune to my comings and goings. Luckily, I'm catching on to the creaks in the floor, the screen door that shuts too quickly if you don't catch it in time, the dog who will stand on the back of the couch and drop her heavy chewing stick onto the hardwood floor when all is peaceful and quiet. That's when "Super Mom" mode clicks in!

I've now automatically started tiptoeing around the creaky spots on the floor. One friend even suggested duct taping those spots so I don't forget. How about caution tape? That will get my attention. I take away the puppy's loudest squeakers and heaviest sticks (when she's not looking, of course). And I (try) to make sure that I have all that I need for nap time around me so I don't have to make too much of a racket while the sweet baby sleeps.

My super power may not seem so spectacular to you, but when you make it through a day of naps with no accidental awakenings, you may just start feeling like a super hero too!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

To those who haven't yet made the same mistake

I'll start by admitting: yes, this is vain and this is superficial and shallow. But I still think it and I will forgive you if you judge me. See this picture to the right? This is me a day after our little girl came into the world. I'm over-joyed, in love, grateful, and in awe of what has gone on in the past 24 hours. But what else am I? I'm clearly not thinking ahead to the ramifications my choices will have on Charlotte's baby album...

The one thing I had going for me at this time in the hospital was that I took a shower that morning... big feat for a postpartum mama. However, everything else about my outer appearance is just a bit, well, embarrassing. As you can see in the background, we had visitors. And we had other visitors other days... and lots of pictures... lots of pictures to look back on for the rest of our lives. And what will I see each time I look at these photos? That darn ROBE! That darn, wide-open-in-the-back, hospital-issued, completely unflattering robe (and I won't even go into the details of the postpartum undergarments you can see through the open back). The most painful fact to face is that I had other clothes in my bag! Lots of clothes. But I chose to wear the robe, not even a soft, cute hoodie. No... the robe.

Now don't get me wrong, I look back at these pictures of those first couple days of Charlotte's life often, just to relive the pure joy. But ladies - you understand my pain, right? So if you haven't finished packing your hospital bag, be sure to keep my story fresh in your mind. But remember, the hard part is getting yourself to actually put something else on. If you struggle with finding the motivation, just envision what you want to see yourself wearing for generations to come.

live and learn... in the meantime, dwell on the things you can never change ;)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To be a mom...

I must admit, I've been quite spoiled. My little girl has been sleeping through the night for over a month now. Waking up in the middle of the night is a foreign idea to me these days (and I don't seem to miss it too much, either). The other night, however, I DID have to wake up in the middle of the night. 4:00 AM to be exact. But it wasn't because of a crying baby, it was because of my crazy, over-producing milk factory. I had to drag myself out of bed, go downstairs, wash the pump, and pump the heck out of them. Although I was pretty darn tired and wished I was still sleeping, I quickly lapsed into "proud mommy world." When I went downstairs, I got to check on the little puppy in her crate. She was just fine, all curled up in her blankets. I went back upstairs, peeked into Charlotte's room and spied on her sleeping soundly. I listened to her rhythmic breathing and just smiled. Then I went into our bedroom where my husband was sound asleep. At that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of love, adoration, and pride. My family was all together, all sleeping, and the world was just "right."

So to all you moms out there... make sure to go to bed early tonight. You never know when you'll wake up in the middle of the night and be able to admire and adore your family in their peaceful sleep.

"Cherish tender moments when you are so in awe and in love with your baby. Commit them to memory. You will need to remember it when she is a teenager." -wise words from a friend

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I've been duped!

Before we had our little girl, I made a commitment to myself and to Charlotte to breastfeed her for at least 9 months (after all, I survived 9 months of pregnancy, I figured that was fair enough). To pump myself up for whatever would lie ahead in the world of breastfeeding, I read book after book about the benefits and joys that breastfeeding brings. One of the key benefits that I honed in on was that breastfed babies have "sweet smelling" poo's! Wow. I knew that I could do this if I could be spared from some of the nasty diapers I've smelled wafting out of nurseries before. I dreamed of Charlotte's dirty diapers smelling like fresh cut flowers. How lovely that would be, right?

But I was fooled! No rosey smelling diapers are coming from THIS house, that's for sure. I guess either we've got issues over here, or the authors of these books have a much different definition of "sweet"...

So there's a little heads-up for anyone who may be thinking of nursing for the first time. But I must say -- stinky diapers and all, it is still absolutely worth it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When it gets a little messy...

When I was registering for things before Charlotte was born, I basically had no clue what I was doing. I took that little hand-held scanner and went to town! My mom and I cruised through the aisles and most times spent hours, only to realize at the end that I only registered for WHAT? 6 items, that's it? Phew. It was tough going, but we somehow made it through. One of the items I struggled with knowing what to get was burp cloths. Of all things... I know! But I went back and forth between just wanting to get all the cutesy, flowery ones and the ones that were the work horses. Seems like your favorite burp cloths (like so many other things) won't be realized until you really put them to use. Amidst my pile of various burp cloths, two have emerged as my personal faves:

1. Cloth diapers: My sister-in-law had recommended these to me. She said, yes, believe it or not, they are the most absorbent and best for catching the spit up that will inevitably make an appearance. So I listened to her and got some. She was right! They're great. They are soft against baby's sensitive skin, they are absorbent, and they are so multi-purpose. I use them as burp cloths, bibs, and "shields" to protect things like her swing and bouncer seat.

2. Flannel Burp Cloths: These were just a lucky find. I picked them out because they were cute (they come in girly, boyish, and neutral patterns), but then I stuck with them because they are thin, yet absorbent. They aren't the best for the massive explosions, but they are excellent for little burps and wiping off baby's dribbles... plus, they look pretty darn cute tossed over your shoulder!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

All the big-bellied babies please stand up

There's no denying the fact that our little girl is "well-fed." She's got the cheeks (and chins) to prove it. Although we are convinced that the chub just keeps making her cuter and cuter, it does make diapering a little more challenging. We've tried a variety of brands from store brands to Luvs to Pampers and Huggies. Our favorites --in the world of disposables-- are Huggies, hands down.

I've noticed that when you have to factor in some adorably meaty thighs and a big belly to boot, the Huggies just seem to hold up above the others. When I've try to squeeze her into Pampers or Luvs, they end up turning into low-rise diapers, being pushed down by the belly. Although this may be the style for her when she wears boot cut jeans later in her life, its not so attractive now. Low-rising diapers make for a not-so-satisfied mama. Of course, I've never found a diaper that is free of any flaw I could complain about, Huggies are the best for my little Buddha belly baby doll. Maybe you'll find they work for you too! Or you'll find your own tried and true to help you sleep peacefully tonight...