Maybe you already know these tips for rescuing baby poop-stained clothes... but to me? It's a miracle! I'm sure you have experienced the deep sadness that comes over you when your sweet little baby somehow manages to poop her way right out of her diaper onto the cutest (and brand new) little outfit you just pulled out of the dryer for her to wear for the first time. This has happened to me multiple times and I thought that I was just going to have to buy her some cute cardigans to mask the stains. But then... there was a ray of hope.
Here's what we do. Whether it's a fresh stain or dried (because you're like me and you've balled up the stained onesie and thrown it aside until morning), spray some stain remover on and throw it in the washing machine, but make sure the water is cold. Then skip the dryer. Think of it like this: the heat of the dryer or the hot water in the washer will -in a sense- "bake" the stain into the fabric... that's NOT what we want. Instead, hang the cute little outfit outside on a sunny day, stain side up. After the sun is down, voila! Most likely, the sun will have naturally bleached the stain right out.
I hope this works for you as well as it has for me. We've rescued about a dozen outfits that I swore were done for. Good luck, and happy sunning!